Verified in real life is a streetwear brand that highlights mockery of social media within the brand name. Social media has created the ongoing reputation of having a large following symbolizing "your worth" and how over the years something as insignificant as a check mark next to a persons user name has become all what matters in todays society. Social media platforms distract the significance of allowing people to be themselves with this figurative race to the top to having a large following. In this instance that's how this brand Verified in Real Life was created. The pill logo is the main focus of the brand, representing how "highly addictive" social media can be, the pill is split open with a "spilling" face coming out ,representing the facade we create for our followers. "VIRL" is the "key" to leveling your truth.

    The ultimate mission of this brand is to amplify being authentic and truly yourself no matter what your social status is.

    -Verified In Real Life ..VIRL


    This brand originated in Los Angeles California.

    Verified In Real Life will be represented by story telling pieces.

    In today's society being verified on platforms has been misused into a make believe social climbing ladder that everyone seems to be racing up to feel validated. This is how "Verified in Real Life," was coined. Making this into a movement through apparel has been the ultimate goal. Behind all these social media facades comes truth behind our brand through messages and art work,hoping to move you & others.

    -Verified In Real Life..VIRL